chico groucho harpo

Wednesday night at work Ann and I had a mild work related argument and tonight we managed to put that behind us. Arguing with her is not something that I enjoy and I was happy to reach some peace between us. Some of this misunderstanding probably came from her resentment over my recent promotion. Sigh.


I have come to the conclusion that either my downstairs neighbor is a moron or has no respect for my rights. Let me explain this a little better. I am convinced that most of the sleep that I have lost this week is due to her and or her friends. The first example would be from Thursday night when for some unexplained reason someone downstairs saw fit to hammer directly beneath my bedroom. It was nine o'clock at night. Couldn't this have waited until tomorrow during the day? As far as I can tell the woman doesn't have a job and is home ninety percent of the time anyway.

The second instance happened today. Someone that she knew, either a friend and or relative of hers saw fit to shout out animal sounds every ten to fifteen minutes for most of the afternoon while I was trying to sleep. I think that he was playing with some of the children from the neighborhood, but I seriously started to wonder if he was mentally challenged. Then this later gave way to a party at night. Sigh.

She knows that I work third shift. Nothing has changed in my schedule except that I go to school as well. She might not have a job and live for free on the goodwill of her parents, but I have a job and other responsibilities. The woman is a loser if not a leech on society and I cannot tolerate her anymore. Because of her I am not going to give any notice of my upcoming move. Her parents who are the landlords will suffer because of her behavior. There is no way that I am going to sacrifice any more of my sleep for them just so that they can rent the upstairs. It isn't going to happen that way.


I like to think that I keep expanding my horizons with new discoveries here and there in pop culture. For example, my taste in music over the past few months has run the gamut from Moby to Diana Krall and then from Gorillaz to Whiskeytown.

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