over twelve hours

Sometimes my body knows more of what my body needs than my mind does. Sometimes I just need to let go of everything and that is exactly what happened today. After having my almost ritual Sunday morning breakfast and a very interesting conversation with Ann about the recent events in the country and her dreams, I slept the entire day away. It was great.

The last time that I saw the clock it was one thirty in the afternoon. Oh, I briefly remember seeing nine thirty later in the night on the digital display, but I just rolled over and went back to my dreams. I didn't have anything planned and I was content to stay in bed for a few more hours.

Now my dreams aren't nearly as odd as the ones that Ann described to me. It seems that she has died in her dreams more than once. I can't say that that has ever happened to me. There have been many dreams where I am fighting someone, but I have never died and or felt any pain. She however said that she has not only died but has also felt pain in dreams from being shot or something else just as severe.

It was probably a year ago that Ann first mentioned to me that she had very strange dreams, but this was the first time that she had ever told me about any of them. The more understandable ones were about her body image or at the very least her perception of it. For example she had one dream that was all about trying on different pairs of jeans. None of them would fit. Then when she finally found a pair that did, everyone was looking at her strangely as she walked by. When she saw herself in a mirror, she knew why. The hanger was still firmly attached in the back of them. In some ways it was almost like wearing clown pants she said. Her waist was in the center of this giant hoop with the fabric bobbing around her.

About all that I can remember from my twelve hour journey in the realm of dreams is one where I was lost in a warehouse. I was riding an elevator and surfaced on the top shelf of hardware supplies. Surroundine me in the dark were these bags of bird seed or something along those lines. Then the lights came on and people were milling around. Once they found me it became more of a sculpture and or design class where we had to make a project from the items in the warehouse. We didn't finish anything before I woke. Naturally I didn't recognize any of these people in the class, but that didn't bother me.


As for current events Ann is getting more and more frustrated with the government. She thinks that something should have been done by now to "avenge" the people in New York. My reply was that the American people really don't have the stomach for war. I also believe that eliminating Osama bin Laden won't solve anything. I keep thinking of the hydra, where one head is severed, two grow back in its place.

In her opinion America will be seen as being weak in the eyes of the rest of the world and by terrorists in general if nothing major is done. She is convinced that something will happen again and it might. There aren't any easy answers.

I guess that she isn't very pleased with the coalition approach taken by the government and is disturbed by how casually people have gone back to their daily lives. Well, for the most part "the attack" was something just seen on television and those images can lose their impact when repeated continually for days on end. The media worked against itself once again.

As for the economy and "uniting" with America, I am doing my part by buying a house. It seems like a better way to make a statement than driving around with a flag on my car. No, I did not paint the Confederate flag on my car and weld the doors shut. Nor is my last name Duke although that would be mildly funny.

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