talking to myself

Rain fell through most of the night, but ended an hour or so after I left work. At different times of the night, I'd sneak out of where I'm meant to be at work and just stand at the window and watch it come down. Maybe that sounds silly, but I can't remember the last time that I was able to see a good thunderstorm in action.

It wasn't the frightening run for the cellar type of rain. Instead it was a steady get soaked walking from the building to my car type. One might even call it an autumn rain that in a few weeks will beat down any loose leaves and wash them into piles in the street. Any real color from the trees has yet to appear, but it will be here soon enough to join the pumpkin stands next to the road home.


Saturday morning when I left work I saw workers in the lobby removing the trees that flank the front entrance to the building. These two trees have a habit of dying which is probably due to the poor lighting there and or other factors so seeing them being taken away again didn't surprise me. What did surprise me what was I saw when I got to work Saturday night. Every single plant in the building had been removed with empty planters left in their place.

Maybe the contract with said landscape company had expired or something else had happened that the plants had to be taken away. I didn't have a chance to ask anyone nor could I think of anyone who would know the answer. Even though I don't know the exact cause it was still very odd to see everything that had been alive and green suddenly missing from the building. Over night the building became even more sterile in my eyes.


I didn't talk at all with Nicole and that bothered me slightly. She was there these past few days and seemed pleasant enough, but at the same time she didn't say much to me. Perhaps she didn't feel like taking and or was actually busy. I don't really know what was the cause for the change in her. What I do know is that I honestly felt hurt and probably took her indifference the wrong way.

I started to think about how well I really know her. We've talked off and on for the past four years, but we have never done anything outside of work so I guess that that says something. I like to think that we are close, but maybe it is all just in my head. Maybe she just wanted to be with the people in her department. I don't know. Plus there was the fact that her boss was in a bad mood and that tends to limit the amount of freedom that she has to spend time talking.

I heard her laughing with some people upstairs in the cafeteria, but I didn't join them. It didn't seem right for me to intrude. I'm sure that I'll have some time with her later this week.


In an odd contrast of landmark films, I noticed that both Star Wars and The Matrix were on regular television this evening. I switched between the two of them for a while marveling at how much audience expectations have changed over time. One could easily like one and hate the other.

It was sad to see the digital enhancements that Lucas added to Star Wars. None of them blend and having to see them made me wince, but I guess that they are there to stay unless I seek out an earlier unedited version of the movie.

Alias premiered tonight and I wasn't disappointed. A program that uses the song Farewell by Rosie Thomas as background music is brilliant in my eyes. Listening to Thomas sing is a natural high for me and her song was a nice touch to a great episode. Vaughn is alive and Sydney had yet another encounter with her mom, played by perfectly cast Lena Olin.


I noticed that someone did a search on Danielle Baker from Globe Trekker and found my entry about her visit to Shanghai. Well, I meant what I said. I'd travel anywhere with Danielle and if that was you Danielle, I am here waiting. Somehow I don't think that it was her though.

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