lakota hero crazyhorse Ian Wright made his way through four of the Rocky Mountain states adding his usual humorous slant to what he saw and did. His commentary is usually enough to make an episode worthwhile, but there were some moments when I couldn't tell if he was being serious or not. For example, when this charming woman named Nicole gave him a ride to northern Montana, he didn't seem to understand some of her comments. These are the two idioms that he didn't seem to understand at first: I'm just waiting for it to fly. My friends just told me that they got dumped on there. Okay. I may not ski, but even I knew that she was talking about snow both times and they were in prime ski country. Now maybe most people don't think of snow as something that flies over them and or dumps on something, but having grown up in Wisconsin, both of those visuals made sense to me. Ian definitely did not get it the first time around and he asked her to repeat what she said both times. I guess that this is the difference between American English and British English. Then again I can't imagine that Britain gets that much snow if any. All in all seeing and hearing what an Englishman thought of that part of the country was interesting and it made me think about going back there sometime. It's been twenty years since I was in that part of the country and it would probably seem difference to me now that I'm an adult. A twelve year old tends to see the world in a slightly different light than I do even though that twelve year old was me. I remember the geysers in Yellowstone.
I also remember that I had a camera then and that I took pictures, but I have no idea what happened to them. I should look for them sometime. My twelve year old self had some odd dislike of photo albums so they never ended up in one or at least I don't remember putting them in one at the time. Of course this was still the era of square prints and pages with adhesive backing on them to keep the photos in place and I can see how that would bother me, because that style of album still bothers me today. ... Monday brought a heat wave with it and a large amount of lethargy on my part. Yes, Mondays are typically slow for me, but beyond a load of laundry this morning, most of the day was one wasted moment after another until I went to class late in the afternoon. It was a day that I wished that I could do over, but I can't. Now that I think about it some more my day seemed to go downhill once the sun rose. What I should have done was gone to sleep at that time rather than pretending that I'm just like everyone else. I go to sleep when the sun comes out five days a week and that shouldn't change on my days off. There are times when I truly am my own worst enemy. During the early morning hours I downloaded some Sarah McLachlan songs. For some odd reason I wanted to give her stuff another try. I came late to her career with Surfacing and never got around to searching out her earlier work. ... Something occurred to me today as I was driving home from class. Next week when I leave, the sun will be below the horizon and daylight savings time has yet to end. Winter and its darkness will be here sooner than I thought. ... In some sick effort to end my day on a down note, I managed to break the cd rom on my computer. A disc wouldn't eject and so I forced it to open. Well, that was a serious mistake. Now I can't get the door to close. Wait that isn't completely true. I can get it to close for about ten seconds and then it promptly flies open again without having acknowledged a disc in the tray. Sigh. I have an external cd rom that I use for burning so I'm not completely lost, but I can't believe that I broke it in the first place. |