blow wind blow

Nicole and I seem to be back into our usual groove and knowing that was a great way to end my shift at work.

We had talked for a time this morning and I learned something that really isn't that new, but has surfaced again. She has been having some serious problems with her boss at work and I almost got caught in the crossfire. When the two of us were talking her boss picked up the phone and listened for a moment. I won't get into the ethics of what he did, but it made for a tense moment. Nicole however didn't care and went on insulting him. She thought that the whole thing was funny. As to whether or not she pushes enough to get fired remains to be seen.

Obviously I care for her and support her, but at the same time I can't fight her battle for her. Damn. That last phrase sounded very afternoon talk show and that frightens me. Hopefully tonight will be better for her.


After class on Wednesday I had stopped at the local comic book store to get my monthly fix, but held off on reading anything until Thursday after class.

Mike Carey continues to impress me with Lucifer and Geoff Johns might breathe some life back in The Avengers. Kurt had a nice run, but it was growing stale towards the end. Judd does a solid job with The Exiles and Joe Casey is making the Wildcats something they never were in the past.


Hurricanes may not strut their stuff here in the Midwest, but wind gusts in excess of fifty miles an hour is good enough for me.


Electronica McLachlan is a good thing. The Dusted remix of Angel is worth many a repeat.

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