clean cool air

The winds that I mentioned yesterday were a precursor to a cold front. Now that they have come and gone, crisp autumn air is here and I have a feeling that it isn't going away this time. Those famous colors can't be that far behind.


The moment Nicole walked through the door, she made eye contact with me and crooked her finger. It was obvious by those two signs that she wanted me. Well, not in that way, but it had been a while since I had seen her that excited so I walked over to meet her.

She wanted to know how angry her boss had been when I last saw him after the phone incident. I had to say that he was definitely on edge. Hearing that made her laugh and I was reminded how much she likes to get back at people that shit on her. It may not be the most mature and or rational attitude, but it is very her.


Yesterday morning after work I finally got around to formally introducing myself to my newest neighbor. Up until then it had been the usual good morning, how are you doing routine. Now I have a name to go with the face and cheerful demeanor. I also got a small amount of personal history as well, which confirmed some of what I had observed over the past few months.


Once again Sarah McLachlan was the focus of my downloads yesterday and I'm not sure how much longer that this trend will continue, but this is the way that I am. I'll stumble across someone or something that interests me and then read as much as possible about that person, place or thing. Then with time I move on to something new. Sometimes I come back to that earlier interest and then I know that it really meant something to me and wasn't just a passing concern.


Before I left for work I caught the Marlon Brando version of Mutiny on the Bounty. It was time well spent, because that story never gets old for me.


Horoscope for today:

Sagittarians receive a delightful complication via another, smaller archer named Cupid. New romances blossom, or old ones heat up again -- or maybe both. Someone special finds you irresistible. With this new excitement may come hard decisions. Be honest and kind about what you want and what you are feeling and you will be rewarded. Clear communication will bring serious passion into your life. A hot evening lies in wait.

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