some breadfruit please Part of the early morning hours were spent filling out some paperwork for work. Somehow the last tuition reimbursement form that I submitted got lost. They said that they never got it even though I know that I sent it to them. Sigh. I was counting on having that money and I refuse to tap into my vacation fund to pay for school. ... Jen came over to visit and we talked about a great many things. One of the lighter topics was interior decorating. She says that I need more pictures on the walls and some curtains. I guess that I can see her point. The walls are rather bare and the white does tend to look sterile at times. My excuse for not decorating that much is simple. Something about putting holes in the wall and not being able to decide where to hang things has kept them in their current state. As for the curtains, I was content with the blinds that came with the place, but that might change soon. Some heavy curtains would not only add some color, but keep it warmer next to my porch window. I might even consider painting the walls of one of the bedrooms. ... Andrew on Globe Trekker swayed my mind about seeing parts of India. Of course the part that interested me the most was the northern part near Tibet. |