that second chance

After watching the Mirrorball dvd, I think that seeing Sarah McLachlan in concert would be a good thing. Now that I've reached that decision, I don't think that that is going to happen for a while though since she just gave birth to her first child earlier this year.


Even though I spent most of the morning going over the material, I still did poorly on the exam. Thankfully I still have three more chances to correct that mistake.

As I was walking back to my car, I saw a mother and her small child in a park next to the campus. They were playing hide and seek and the mother had just finished counting. She then started to look and walked past the child who really wasn't hidden that well.

Then something cute happened. The child knew that he had been spotted by me so he lifted a finger to his mouth and made the be quiet gesture. I did the same back to him.

That small moment in time made life seem a little better.

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