time to rest I made it through another week and it feels good. There are times when it seems as though I'm not accomplishing anything, but I am making an attempt so I see that as something. I'm not just complaining. I am trying to initiate some kind of change. Even though school had a slightly sour effect on me this week, I couldn't imagine not going anymore. It may cost me some sleep, but I still see it as time well spent. That interaction on an almost daily basis fills a need that work just doesn't do for me. Maybe this voice of reason is what makes me stagger to the shower in the middle of my sleep cycle four days a week. ... I think that it was on Wednesday when I was walking to class when it happened. Someone said that it couldn't be as bad as I made it look and it took me a moment to interpret what was meant by the comment. I guess that I looked miserable, but I wasn’t. I just have a habit of wearing what I call my disinterested leave me alone look when I am in public. ... Weekend plans include some homework so that the next exam will be less damaging and maybe some movie watching. Maybe in an effort to escape I let myself buy some more things to watch. Included in this group would be the collection of Sarah McLachlan videos, some Depeche Mode videos and Waking the Dead. |