pop culture sunday I don't feel like being insightful and or clever today. Instead I want to ramble on about my most recent pop culture complaint. Now this may or may not come as a shock to people, but the appeal of professional baseball escapes me. To me it is nothing more than out of shape, middle aged men standing around scratching themselves and spitting. Naturally this means the World Series holds no interest for me. Unfortunately that nonsense meant that Alias, one of the best programs on television, repeated the season premiere instead of airing a new episode. Sigh. I had woken up and needed a break before I launched into some more studying for my exams. A new episode of Alias would have been perfect except that that wasn't what aired and at the time I didn't know why. From what I later read online the network felt that the sporting event would hurt the ratings. I honestly do not know who won the series nor do I care. Does anyone really care about baseball? I doubt that they do in other countries. |