can we talk

Not much to say today except that my mood is certainly better than what was projected in the journal a year ago. For some reason I couldn't even manage a paragraph and I have no idea why either. I didn't give any details at all. One sentence was all that I was ready to offer.

Without trying too hard my past self succeeded in confusing my present self. Maybe next time I'll leave enough clues behind for me to find the correct answer for those sullen moods.

Thankfully things are different now. In fact I don't think that I had one complaint all day and even began to remember why I like Saturdays so much. All of the stress from the rest of week fades away and I can be myself again. The answer is that simple.


I am starting to think that Jen has taken over the role that Nicole used to play in my life except for one thing. There is no sexual tension. Jen doesn't want me and I don't want her. Things seem to work better that way.

This doesn't mean that I don't miss spending time with Nicole. I do and still hope that things will go back to the way that they used to be between us. With my new work schedule starting Sunday that may just happen.

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