that simple connection Despite the rain this morning, there was still a bright spot that made my day. Yes, I am reaching for a metaphor, but something good did happen. Nicole and I talked the way that we used to talk for the first time in what seemed like weeks to me. I thought that I had lost her completely, but she let me know that that wasn't true. In my final hour at work, she was the most animated that I had seen her all night and so very her. I wish that I could better describe the way that she can tell a story or get all of my attention, but I can't. What I can say is that she was the Nicole that I had missed and I bask in the energy that she radiates whenever she is that way. Sometimes she gets just downright silly and almost nonsensical, but that wasn't the case today. She was the lively yet focused person that can make me smile and I need people like her in my life to offset the other parts that do anything but make me smile. Story probably isn't the best word, but she does let me into her life and I'm not sure she knows how much I appreciate that part of her. There are so few people in my life that truly let their guard down or don't put up some kind of a front. Nicole is very real and I love that quality of hers. Sadly her last story was brought to a sudden halt by something called work and I had to leave without saying goodbye and or hearing the rest of what she had to say. I'd like to say more except that I have to go to sleep now or I'll get less than four hours of sleep before class. Yes, I said four and I may get two more before I go back to work tonight. |