pixels versus emulsion

Most of the day was spent experimenting with my new digital camera that arrived in the mail early this afternoon. For the longest time I held off on buying one because as far as printed photos are concerned they are so impractical, but with my birthday coming up I decided that I could splurge on something frivolous so I did.

Besides that small amount of activity today was completely unproductive, but Friday has never been the best day of the week for me anyway. Actually Friday is my Monday so it doesn't have the same meaning for me that it does for other people. Instead of being a signal to relax Friday means a return to the unreality of work for four days, but the three day weekend makes it worthwhile.


Despite the onslaught of holiday commercials, I still can't believe that Thanksgiving is next week. Oh, there have been other signs signally the approaching season such as outside decorations in the neighborhood that should really be kept in storage a little longer and hints of snowflakes in the air, but for the most part I have been blissfully unaware of how close we are to that madness. The year may be rapidly ending, but I don't feel the least bit festive. Then again as I have said many times before the holidays are never the same for an adult as they are for a child. Memories of those early years always seem to distort current expectations.

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