some flurries maybe

There seems to be a trend in my recent dreams. Last night it was Ann and this morning Darcy was with me in that far off world. Of the two dreams I preferred the latter for more than a couple of reasons. Unlike the sex dream with Ann the other night, the one with Darcy was less odd in terms of content and more pleasant as well.

In the dream the two of us were at some museum or art gallery, which was something that we had in fact done years ago. She was looking to buy something for her place and we talked about various choices. Darcy looked and sounded just as I remembered her from almost a decade ago, but that is only natural in a dream.

An even better part of the dream was the fact that it was as though nothing had ever soured between us. A certain conversation had never taken place and time had gone back to a happier time when there was still potential.

As far as I am concerned the meaning behind the dream was simple enough. I want to know what she is doing now when in reality I will probably never know. Time and distance are too great in this case.

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