close yet forbidden Nicole surprised me at work. When she walked into the room she was wearing this sienna colored sweater that hugged her body perfectly. I couldn't look away and in fact got up and walked towards her. I had to let her know how good she looked and touch her at the same time. Then I when I reached her I did both and wished that she was mine. Normally she doesn't wear anything that fancy at work, which is fine. We work at night and there is no one to impress, so seeing her in something so simple and elegant was amazing. With her hair still down she looked even better and I hope that her fiance at least told her how hot she looked, but I didn't have a chance to ask her. She disappeared for the rest of the night and I didn't see her again before I went home. I really need to find someone else to fill the void or I need to stop thinking about Nicole. At the moment I can't and that is what is keeping me awake. She looked so sexy last night and that image will stay with me a long time. ... After some much needed sleep, I am thinking much more clearly now. I'll probably call Nicole tomorrow to ask some things, but I won't be dropping by her place. ... So my weekend has started and I only have a few things planned for the next few days. None of them are that exciting, but they need to be done. On that list of things to do would be have the oil changed on my car and return some books to the library. I might also look for some things for my living room make over that I am doing. Via email Jen and I had picked out some pieces of Chinese style furniture that might work for me as well as some lamps. ... If things had been different, this past Sunday I would have been on a plane bound for New Zealand. Obviously I am still here and am hoping to go there some time in March. The cost of airfare will be hundreds of dollars less and I'll be on the edge of the peak travel season for that part of the world. For the first time in four years, I'll be going by myself on this outing and I think that that will be a good thing. Family and friends add something to a trip, but the week that I spent alone in Nova Scotia was very good for me. As cliche as it might be, I need to journey somewhere by myself again and maybe learn something new while I am away. ... For the second time, I sat through the first part of the Ken Burns documentary on Mark Twain and I grow more and more impressed by what Twain did in his life. I may have to start to read some of his earlier books instead of just the ones that make high school reading lists. |