the ming dynasty

Yesterday was better than it sounded in the entry that I wrote. I just wasn't feeling well when I got around to writing it. In fact when I woke this morning I was suffering from a nasty bout of diarrhea that completely ruined my morning. It was not a good way to start the day. In fact for a moment or two when I was in the bathroom all that I wanted was the world to end. Yes, it was really that bad.

I also promised myself that I would never again eat what I think caused that pain to happen.

After such a grand start to the day I decided that staying home would be my best option.

Since I did spend most of the day inside, I did some more cleaning and brainstorming on how I want my place to look. Basically I want something that looks adult, cohesive and still me all at the same time. What this means is that the couch and chair have to go sometime since they scream college collection and that part of my life is a decade in the past.

I am also contemplating an entertainment center that hides the television and the rest of the electronics that go with it in modern society. This shouldn't be that hard to do and I've already seen a Chinese red lacquer cabinet that would do the job nicely. The price is the only thing holding me back at the moment. Instead of said cabinet I bought a Japanese screen and lamp to further my Asian motif. So far I've managed to mix Chinese, Japanese and Indian all in the same room. The best part is that it works.


On another Asian tangent I read an article in the latest issue of National Geographic about the Great Wall of China. One of the first things that I learned by reading the article is that the wall is not as it is commonly described one single continuous wall. It is in fact a number of smaller walls some of which are not made of the brick and stone that most photos show. The idea of the wall being one massive unit was something that the visiting Westerners brought back with them and the Chinese themselves later adopted for propaganda purposes. Of course this doesn't change my mind about wanting to go there and see it for myself.

The other fact that stuck with me was the line that if the wall were in the United States it would stretch from Wichita, Kansas to Washington, D.C. I think that that is amazing and something that impressive needs to be seen.


Paula Marshall is back on television and I was there to watch her tonight. A couple of years back she was the uptight yet very desirable psychologist on the sitcom Cupid. Now she is a suburban mom and I still want her and so must someone else since they had her flashing her boobs at a rock concert.

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