cold sky blue

After a completely miserable start to the day, I managed to bounce back and have a decent afternoon and evening yesterday and that impressed me. At one point in the day I was ready to just spend the entire day lying in bed groaning now and again, but in the end I didn't.

With the recent cold snap here in Wisconsin, I don't think that I missed that much by not going outside. Inside it was warm and safe from the wind. The sun did make it look inviting outside though.


Ever so slowly I am rediscovering my music collection. For the longest time I've had my collection split into two parts, one of which was in my living room and the other was kept in my second bedroom. It finally dawned on me that that was a bad idea. I had a tendency to ignore what was in the other room even though that part held what I thought was the better stuff. Plus for a time I had about a dozen or so disks in my car, but now that I won't be going to the east side of Milwaukee anymore I brought those back into the house as well.


At noon I went out in the cold to get some more plants for my place and spend some gift certificates that had been given to me during the holidays. It was the first time that I had been to the mall this year and was surprised at the amount of people that we there in the middle of the day. Either people were there on their lunch since the mall itself is next to a huge business park or there are more people with free time than I imagined.

The crowd at the Pier One store was what I imagined. Mostly there were thirty something women quietly looking and pointing at things that they liked. The employees were busy moving items here and there while the women browsed. Overall it was very calm and orderly. Then there were the two college girls who could be heard as they made their way around the store. No matter where I was in the store I could still hear them. Eventually they caught up to me and we briefly acknowledged one another and then kept moving.

There wasn't anything that distinctive about them and I wouldn't expect them to be too exotic if they were shopping in a Pier One. Both of them were casually dressed in sweaters, down jackets and jeans. Somehow I can't imagine the patchouli and nose ring crowd shopping at Pier One. More than likely they would scour rummage sales and or make their own decorations.

Instead of investing in Monet and Degas posters these two young women had moved up a notch or two in their decorating tastes. I knew quite a few women back in college who would decorate their place away from their parents as if it were their first house that they had bought. It didn't matter that they were paying rent, they were determined to make their mark even though it was temporary. I guess in some ways it was a primer step to being a wife with a house of her own to decorate at whim.


Driving home with the plants in my car must have looked amusing to the other drivers around me. Since both of the plants were four feet high, foliage was everywhere on the passenger side of the car and the back seat. Thankfully when the sheriff drove by me he didn't give me another look and kept going wherever he was heading. I have no idea if that limited visibility was illegal or not and I didn't want to find out either.

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