today was monday My reasons for traveling outside the United States didn't come across as polished as I would have liked, but I think that I still got my point across. I should also mention that it was Nicole's fiance who had asked the question. In our conversation I said some of what I wrote, but certainly not all of it. Then as he was walking away he said that he also likes to travel, but that he hasn't been able to and we both knew the reason why he hasn't without him saying it out loud. The reason was Nicole. She does not like to travel. I'm not sure if that was his point in the first place, but I just let it go. Their problems are not mine and he knows that I am not about to start criticizing her. Besides I come between them enough as it is already. In fact I can sense a certain amount of tension between him and I whenever we talk. Plus Nicole also has to keep her distance from me so that I won't get too attached to her. Speaking of Nicole, she went home early on her birthday so she didn't get her card and present from me until today. She liked the card and the present even though she had said that I shouldn't get her anything. Then as we usually do on Monday mornings, the two of us spent some time together and I was reminded of why I like her as much as I do. If I ever start to see someone again the woman would have to be like her. ... After work this morning, I watched the Sunday episode of Alias that I had taped after all of the football nonsense was over. Personally I think that it was the best one I have seen all season. The writers finally brought to a close what had been the driving force behind the series since it started. Now in my opinion they can start fresh and move in a new direction. I think that it was the best thing that they could have done for the show before it started to bog down. ... When I woke I didn't feel like doing much of anything so I laid down on the couch and watched the Tim Burton version of Planet of the Apes. It's been years since I've seen the original version, but I remembered the story well enough to catch most of the homages and I recognized Heston as an ape uttering his famous line one more time. Personally I liked what I saw and don't think that it was any worse than the original even though most of the reviews that I read online seem to be negative. Most people seemed to think that the social message of the first one was lost to the modern day special effects, but for me most Burton films are about the look anyway. ... Before I left for work I caught the latest episode of Joe Millionaire and despite all of the flaws of reality television, there are still some good parts to the show. In fact this episode prompted the following email of mine: Once again I was glued to the set as Evan took the four remaining women on individual dates. I could have done without the hot tub part, but that seems to be a standard motif in any reality program on television especially ones that involve couples. The one date that impressed me the most was the one where the two of them cooked their own meal. To me that was very real and something that should be done by couples. Even though they think that he has all of that money, most people do not eat out all of the time. I know that I don't and it isn't for monetary reasons either. I always feel weird having someone wait on me and that seems to offset the quality of the food. Plus I feel much more comfortable eating in my house. In the past I've cooked with some of my girlfriends and those were some of our best times together. Usually there was tickling, giggling and of course eating at the end. I should also mention that these weren't always complicated meals. In fact one time it was plain old grilled cheese and tomato soup. The two of were play fighting over who was going to open the can of soup and we ended up tangled together on the kitchen floor. No chocolate or strawberries were seen or needed. Sometimes the everyday is better than the cliche. ... After three days of thinking about it, I decided to get Galaxy Express 999 on DVD and I think that the following review helped me make up my mind. "Despite the improved animation, there are no concessions to the blockbuster anime hits of the 1990s along the way. In other words, there are no busty heroines in cheesecake poses, no oversized and improbable mecha, no giggly schoolgirls with magic powers, and no friendly talking super-deformed animal sidekicks. Matsumoto has stayed true to his original vision, which retains its timeless quality. This is to be commended." |