call him kal-el

Work ended on a high note this morning and I don't mean that in a sarcastic way either. As I was leaving my boss wished me a nice weekend and I wished him a good trip, which confused him at first. He thought that he would see me again before he left for London to visit his daughter at school, but I knew that I wouldn't. The only way that he would see me again is if he comes into work Friday night, which will never happen. I then pointed out to him that due to overlapping vacations, I wouldn't see him again until April. His starts his trip next week and mine begins the following week.

March is going to be a very good month for me.


Tuesday night is television night for me and I was rewarded with back to back new episodes of Buffy and Smallville to keep me entertained for a couple of hours. Buffy was funny and I am hoping that the show ends on a high note this year. I wasn't there from the beginning, but even I can sense that they are running out of ideas and Sarah wants to do something else. A new version of the show with Faith in the lead would probably be one of the better ways to go.

Smallville on the other hand is something that I have watched from the start and has years left of untapped potential. There's a perfect balance of humor, teen angst and that crazy idea that he is an alien growing up on a small farm. Since the beginning the writers have been slow to borrow too much from the Superman myth for fear of losing some of their audience, so I was happy to see they finally used the word Krypton. Now that that has been revealed, I am eager to see what they do next.

I don't want special effects or super villains. What I want is more moral questioning from Clark, which they did quite nicely last night. Clark was led to think that his parents sent him to Earth to conquer the planet and that made sense to me. He has all of those powers yet he acts in the best interest of others rather than himself. For me that is the core of Superman and everything else is secondary. Naturally this makes him the perfect foil for anyone else with lesser morals.

Personally I think that one episode of Smallville has more going for in terms of intelligence than any of the Marvel films.


Leaving behind the worlds of Buffy and Clark, I got drawn into a Nova episode about biochemical warfare and that was far more frightening than any movie I have ever seen. Science and technology can do horrible things to people and America was a leader in said exploration. In fact Iraq got their germs from us. That part doesn't seem to get mentioned by the current leaders of the American government. I wonder why.


I called Nicole at home tonight, but no one answered the phone. As to why she didn't answer the phone, I don't know. She may have been out for the night or she may have been asleep already. I prefer those two possible explanations over her just not wanting to talk with me.

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