that false summer I'm thinking that I spoke too soon yesterday about being immune at work or maybe I just cursed myself. Sigh. Last night I had to work by myself, which was fine. My counterpart needed the night off so he could work on a paper for school and I didn't argue with him. Work may be slow at times, but a person also needs the right environment to focus on what they are doing. Plus he had said in the morning that he probably would be taking the night off, so I had already mentally prepared myself for the night. Almost five years ago when I first started at the company, I worked alone so being solo was nothing new for me. However, the work load has increased somewhat over the years to where two people are needed and during the final two hours that I was there I started to feel the strain. Suddenly three problems happened at once and I could feel the stress begin to cascade over me. Now usually I can multi task as they like to say in the fictional world of human resources, but this was the end of my week and I just wanted to go home to enjoy my weekend. Being forced to answer a stream of questions from the day crew and others was not what I wanted to happen. Instead of winding down for the day, everything around me was raised up a few notches. This did not make me happy. Most of the time, I laugh at the strained expressions that the crew on first shift wear, but today I could feel myself being transformed into one of them and it scared me. Then when someone from outside my department told me and another person that we needed to relax, I knew that I had crossed a line. I had become a first shift robot. ... For the second day in a row, the temperature here was in the eighties. No one doubted that it wouldn't last, but it was fun while it was here. Just being able to stand outside on my deck for the first time in months and not shiver was enough to make me happy. |