sweating on monday Somehow I broke the curse and I hope that it stays that way. What I mean to say is that I managed to have the best Monday that I have had in weeks. Basically I didn't waste the day away like I have so often in the past. In fact I did more before noon than I had in a long time. Then when the afternoon started I could relax without feeling guilty. After a quick lunch, I sat out on my deck reading for a few hours. As I sat there I could feel it getting warmer and warmer. With a northern exposure I never get the full effects of the sun, but I could feel it around the corner of the building as the sun moved west. Unlike Sunday there wasn't any rain today to break the effects of the heat and the weather forecast is predicting the same kind of day for tomorrow. Obviously eighty plus degree heat is out of season for this time of year and the trees prove it. Without any leaves they still look dead and that probably won't change until the end of the month. This may or may not be a sign of what is to come later this year so I have no idea what summer will be like here. ... On the pop culture front I caught a small amount of The Bachelor and I still have to shake my head in disbelief. To put it another way, I can't decide if these people are real or not. Once that I was over I switched to something more serious on public television. There was a second installment about the Rockefellers, which was the last thing I saw before I fell asleep.