rolling summer storms I have to say that yesterday's entry came out more stilted than I had planned. My excuse would be that I was tired and in a hurry when I wrote it. I'll try a little harder today. ... When I was at the play Friday night some serious thoughts about my life were going through my mind. Yes, instead of being distracted by the silly nonsense in front of me, I was busy thinking about how I measure time in life. Obviously I can't use work since very little changes there except for people quitting. If no one quit I'd never see any change. I try not to whine about my job and I wish that I could relay some of the other complaints that come my way while I am there. Some of Nicole's problems make it here, but there are at least three other people who regularly voice their issues about work to me and I listen as best I can without letting it get to me. I think that I shattered an illusion Saturday night at work. The replacement for Ann asked me how long I had been working for the company and I told him that it would be four years in August. He half mumbled something about four years in the same department and I nodded my head. Yes, indeed, whatever Magic Eightball had promised him would never happen. The company moves like a glacier and all that we can do is move with the flow of the ice. Somehow this doesn't make me feel like Ernest Shackleton. A glimpse of reality from someone who knows must be a horrible feeling for a new employee. They're full of energy and excitement and then realize that none of what they had been told in the interview is going to happen. Of course I sound jaded, but I could care less. I know the truth and have lived it for the past four years. Thankfully my job has once again moved to the bottom of my priority list where it belongs. I merely go there so that I can pay my bills and get on with the rest of my life. School on the other hand changes every semester and each one brings something new into my life be it the people in class and or the subject material. If I didn't have school to distract me I think that I'd go insane. The other thing in my life that keeps me going is my yearly voyage somewhere. Those details don't fade while a day at work feels just like the one before it and has no value. ... Wisconsin got its first taste of summer and it coincided perfectly with my weekend. I fell asleep with the patio window open and woke in time to see a summer storm filling the sky. As the rain fell I watched agents Scully, Reyes and Doggett do their stuff. ... In further geek news I have been systematically whittling down the amount of comic books that I buy and read each month. When I started over twenty years ago they still cost fifty cents a piece. Now the lowest priced comic book is two dollars and twenty-five cents. As to how a ten year old can get into the hobby is beyond me. The process of elimination is simple. Whatever I read last in the pile gets dropped from my list. Last month my list was at forty titles. Some of them only come every other month, but I want to get that number down to twenty. This past Saturday when I stumbled half asleep into the store, I cut four more books from my monthly list much to the dismay of the store clerk. Why he should be upset is beyond me since I still walked out with over forty dollars worth of books. What I've found as a better alternative is buying a lot of say ten to twelve books in an online auction for a fraction of the cost of what I pay at the store. Yes, I may not get a monthly fix, but I'll save time and money.