one last bow The play that I saw last night was an Irish melodrama called The Shaughraun and the term melodrama is not an exaggeration. It was very much a product of the nineteenth century filled with physical comedy, some brief songs and just a hint of mystery. Keeping that in mind it wasn't a bad way to end the season. The house probably thought that it was a better idea to have the audience laughing as they walked out for the last time until the fall rather than feeling depressed. I spoke with the two women who have been sitting next to me for most of the season. They were nice enough, but there was one thing that I have to mention. We discussed how the one woman seems to bump her head into the railing at least one time each performance. True to form she did it again last night and this time we could laugh about it. ... My mom has come to a sad conclusion about her mom, the person that had the stroke a couple of months ago. She doubts that my grandma will ever walk again and that eliminates the possibility of my grandma being able to live with my parents. My mom just wouldn't be able to take care of her mom. It would be too much of a strain. Part of the blame is being laid at the feet of the people who were taking care of my grandma for the past two months. Quite honestly we feel that they weren't being aggressive enough with her therapy and set in motion a bad set of habits. Over the course of time my grandma got used to being lifted in and out of bed and or left in her wheelchair all day. Oh, she had some therapy, but it wasn't enough. I'm not sure what my grandma has to say about this new change of thought or if she evens know about this decision yet. I doubt that anyone is happy about it. ... Nicole was in a much better mood than when I saw her Thursday night Friday morning, but I didn't have a chance to talk with her. I guess that I shouldn't be too surprised since I spent close to an hour doing nothing at work Friday morning, but listening to her vent. It would be nice to have that much time with her every day, but I know that that isn't possible. Our lives only overlap so much. ... Liz Phair and her album whitechocolatespaceegg has been in the cd player for the past few days and it sounds very fresh to me. As to why I didn't get it when it first came out is beyond me. Obviously her style of "singing" is not for everyone, but it still has an appeal to me.