worrying about nicole Most of this week was a blur for me, so realizing that today was Friday really did take me by surprise. Maybe some of the blur factor was due to the fact that I got a total of eight hours of sleep over the past three days. I was going here and going there without really thinking too hard about anything. Now having said that I also think that I can say that I am enjoying life again. Maybe that sounds a bit over wrought, but for a while there I was starting to let too much get to me and today most of that stress evaporated away. A former girlfriend would live her lfe that way. She would keep as busy as humanly possible so that she would never have time to let people get too close to her or allow herself to think too much about what she was doing. Actually now that I think some more about it, Brenda also led her life the same way. She put all of her energy into her job and very seldom if ever questioned things in life. Metaphysical issues never crossed her mind. Introspection was unknown to her. I also thought that she was one of the saddest people that I ever knew. In my mind she lacked a soul. Of course she didn't see it that way and told me that I was never happy. She however was the one that drank on a daily basis so I think my way of seeing things may have been better. None of that matters now. Sometimes I think that I cause some of my problems. For example, I mistakenly thought that this afternoon I had to register for the fall semester. It wasn't until late in the day that I found out that I was wrong. When I went back to look again at the letter that the university had sent me, I realized that it was talking about the summer session, which I will not be attending. Of course this didn't sink into my sleep-deprived brain this morning when I was searching for a course catalog at the library. I found the summer session ones, but couldn't figure out why there weren't any for the fall session. Sigh. Of course while I was there I walked away with some new audio books. This time I went home with Nick Bantock's The Forgetting Room and Joseph Conrad's Victory. I also grabbed a hardcover copy of Mark Twain's Innocents Abroad. Personally I like to think that that is a good mix. ... This morning at work Nicole was in a serious lather when I talked with her. Apparently her boss is determined to get rid of her and took another step in that direction Tuesday morning before she went home. He had sent her a memo detailing the fact that her sick time was very excessive this year and if she requests any more time off she will be asked to leave. Naturally Nicole pointed out to me that there are a few more points of protocol that he needs to follow, but it certainly was not something that she wanted to hear from him even in a letter. Naturally he delivered this joyous piece of news to her right before she started her weekend to poison her time off. ... So I went to the last play of the season for me and it was pleasant enough.