class reunion beckons

In Saturday's delivery, there was an interesting piece of mail. Waiting for me in the box was an invitation to my fifteen year high school class reunion. Once I saw the return address on the envelope I knew what was inside before I even opened it. None of my family or current friends live in the town scrawled in the upper left hand corner, so it was completely obvious to me.

Unlike other people, I have no problems with going to a reunion. I missed the five and ten year events so I am determined to go to this one. Oh, I'll admit that the five year felt a little too soon for me since I was just finishing college, but I was ready for the ten year one except that a previous girlfriend objected and we didn't go. Now there is nothing holding me back.

As obvious and as simple as it might sound, curiosity is the main reason for my wanting to go. I have no desire to try and impress anyone, I just want to talk with some of the people that I knew then and see what became of them. I'm not really expecting anything more or less from the event.


My big achievement of the day was making a phone call to have my mortgage refinanced. I'd been thinking about having it done for some time now so finally getting it done felt great. What this also means is that I've decided to stay where I am for another two years, which shouldn't be too risky of a decision. I still have another year of school left and I have no idea if the job market will be better by then or not. So staying where I am and saving money at the same time sounds like a good plan to me.

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