third week complete Obviously the days have been slipping away from me again as can be seen by my lack of writing, but that should change soon. I blame most of my absence here on school, but in the near future that won't be an excuse anymore. In fact next week is the last week of the summer semester for me and I can't wait for that to happen. Oh, I don't regret taking the class, but I won't miss having to drive to the east side of Milwaukee three times a week. Plus once school is done I get my three day weekends back and all of that free time is going to seem wonderful. Summer should be relaxing from next week forward. From my perspective it seems as though it has been raining for over a week here, but in some ways that works to my advantage. When it's damp and gray outside, I can focus better on homework and then I don't mind the fact that I can't go outside. ... Peter David is back with a new title called Fallen Angel and so far I like what I have read in the first issue. The tone of the book is darker than what he has done in the past, but there is still the humor that David is known for in his writing. Years ago Peter made the Hulk title one of the best books on the market and it hasn't been the same since he left. More recently he tried this approach on Supergirl, but this time there wasn't enough fan support to keep the book going. Now, however, he's working with a character that he made himself so I am curious to see how well the book does without the built in fan base of a well known character. I am hoping that he succeeds, because I want to read more than just Captain Marvel from him. Over in the other camp, Mark Waid is breathing life back into the Fantastic Four, which only makes it that much more sad that management at Marvel fired him from the book when he refused to make the book campy. Sigh. At least there are eight more months of the magic before it stops. Marvel may be making money with their movies and have more public exposure at the moment, but DC still has better written books or at least that is the way that I see it. When I look at my monthly reading list the DC books far outnumber what I read from Marvel and I don't think that that is going to change any time soon. ... I must confess a fondness for the latest version of The Amazing Race. Having been to two of the first destinations, Venice and Vienna, was what hooked me a couple of weeks ago. Now I just want to see where the teams go next and who is going to win. Tonight the teams were in India and I still have mixed feelings about traveling there. The masses of people and the squalid quality of public transportation are more than a little off putting to me. Plus the extreme heat would probably also be a burden to me. Immediately after The Amazing Race, I watched Ian Wright making his way through the outback of Australia. Seeing him move about made me think that I need to make a second journey there since the first time that I was there, I never made it into the interior or the west coast. Basically I hit the two major cities of Sydney and Melbourne and then did the Great Barrier Reef. Then again we are talking about a continent where most of the land is either uninhabited or very hostile in terms of climate so getting around takes time and I only had a little over two weeks when I was there. ... Since I am going to have some free time again and there is still the possibility of more rain, I bid on and then won an online auction for season seven of The X-Files on DVD. Six discs worth of episodes should be enough casual viewing for a few weeks. Then when I don't feel the need to watch those episodes I still have more than enough reading material lying around my house. Besides the unread issues of The New Yorker I have a stack of books that I want to read. |