over two hundred

My first night back at work went better than I had expected. Very little had changed while I was gone and that seems to be the double edged sword of where I work. Nothing happens while I am there and that depresses me, but at the same time I can be away for weeks without worrying about missing anything important. I have to keep reminding myself that the stagnant quality of my job can work to my advantage. Besides until the job market gets better I have to keep a low profile and focus my energy elsewhere.

Despite the tedious chore of sifting through two weeks worth of company email, I had some good laughs with my friends in the department. If it weren't for them, I doubt that I would be able to keep going there week after week wondering why I am wasting my time there.


After some less than relaxing sleep filled with dreams of being chased by Nazis, which I can neither explain or understand, I sat back and read some classic issues of Justice League of America from over twenty years ago. Through the magic of online auctions I finally got to own and read a copy of issue one hundred thirty three, which gave me the first part of a Despero story that I read many years ago. Now having read the beginning, the ending makes more sense to me. Oh, there had been a summation in issue one hundred thirty four of what had happened in the previous issue, but there were still parts that I didn't quite understand.

Maybe this is nostalgia on my part, but I prefer the Conway Dillin era over the current offerings of Joe Kelly. Politics seem to be the focus in the title today, while Conway gave allegorical stories that were more subtle if not believable to me.

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