sydney was missing

During the summer I had completely forgotten about Alias on Sunday nights and had switched over to Criminal Intent on the nights that I bothered to watch television. Now with the days getting shorter and less incentive to be outside, television does seem a little more appealing. Besides those reasons, my sister had called me twice to remind me that the season premiere was going to be on tonight.

It's too early to know what to expect out of the season, but I'll probably be there watching until something causes me to lose interest. For the most part the writing is far better than most of what television has to offer and I don't mind the twists and turns in the plot. I'll admit that memory loss might not be the most inventive plot device ever used, but it does give the show some new life which is what it sorely needed part way through last season.

Another fun part of the show is being able to see places where I've been and tonight I knew exactly where Sydney was when she was in Prague.

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