greenland and iceland At midnight I started watching Ian Wright make his way around Iceland and then on to Greenland. I'd seen the episode of Globe Trekker once before, but I didn't mind seeing it again. I tend to pick up on different details each time I watch one. For example, this time I learned that fifty thousand people live in Greenland which in terms of land mass is the same size as Europe. I have no idea why I remembered that trivial piece of information or what it will do for me, but I still found it to be interesting. Of the two places, I'd probably go to Iceland even though it's an expensive place to visit, but it is an island so that makes sense to me. Resources are always limited on an island even with the benefits of modern technology. After Globe Trekker was over there was Jack Horkheimer telling me about an upcoming lunar eclipse. He was followed by a French educational program that seemed to be more sitcom than instructional. The two twenty something French women were the last thing that I saw before I closed my eyes. ... When I woke hours later, most of the day was spent doing anything but the homework that was due on Thursday. Anything from shredding old credit card statements to downloading songs kept me from writing the assignment. Then later after sunset the television was enough to keep me distracted. It wasn't until after Smallville, Angel and Law and Order had flashed before my eyes that I had had enough and sat down at the computer to do the homework. |