she wolf dream The following is the kind of dream that I have when I wake up every hour or so. I can't explain it nor do I feel the need to try, but it all seemed very real to me at the time and I want to describe it as well as I can before the details fade. It wasn't exactly a sex dream, but more of a symbolic one with historical and literary references. As to why my mind chose to create such a scenario is beyond me, but what I do know is that it was one of many that I had this morning before I finally crawled out of bed. I was walking down a hall. There were people around me, but I couldn't tell you much about them. We didn't make eye contact nor did they speak with me. Then as a group we came to a door. Then it dawned on me that we were in a high school and that we were going to some kind of class. Standing outside the class was the instructor and she clearly knew me. I didn't remember her though. She said something about taking down a poster of mine. It had been an advertisement for some counseling that I was offering. I thanked her, but wasn't sure why I had a poster in the first place. The others were joking around as they took their seats. Somehow I ended up in the front row which is not my habit. Then just as everyone was seated, a young blonde woman entered the room followed by another young woman with brown hair. I didn't know either women, but they were going to demonstrate something to the class or at least that was the impression that I got. In unison the two women started to crouch down ever so slowly until they reached the floor. Once they were there the face of the brunette was hidden from view while the blonde made eye contact with as many people as she could in the room. It was then that I realized that she was nude except for a furry white blanket that she was wearing like an animal skin. The phrase wolf in sheep clothing came to mind. Then she started to touch her breasts and milk them. First there were her breasts and then another pair emerged from somewhere. I guessed that the second set belonged to the somewhat hidden brunette. Then another set appeared to bring the total to three pairs. While this was happening her expression never changed and I couldn't tell how anyone else in the room was reacting to this display. I wasn't sure if this was some odd piece of performance art or something else that I didn't need to see. This body that was before me with multiple pairs of breasts didn't seem gross, but more mythological than anything else. ... After a series of odd dreams this morning, the rest of my day was rather uneventful and ordinary. There were some nice parts though. For example, the unseasonably windy and warm weather today made walking to and from class much more enjoyable than usual. Since I haven't seen a local forecast lately, I'm not sure why this has been happening, but I doubt that it is going to last much longer. A year ago I was taking an exam for school, while today found me in the library doing some research for a paper that is due in December. I'm not sure which of the two that I prefer. Generally speaking both have the same amount of value when it comes to a grade, but one of them takes far less time than the other one. I still remember the look that Kate had on her face that night. Sadly once that semester ended I never saw her again on campus. |