the foreigner onstage

So far this season I've been less than impressed by what the Milwaukee Rep has done and what I saw tonight continued that trend. Even before I went I had the feeling that that might happen, but there was always the chance that I would be wrong.

I'm not saying that the plays that I've seen this season are poorly acted. No, for the most part the performances by the actors are fine, but the content of the plays themselves have not interested me. Generally speaking I can't relate to any of the characters nor do I feel the need to care about them. There is nothing there to hold my attention except to examine the way that the actors move on the set. Staging and costuming have taken the role that should be held by the story itself.

In an effort to offset the more serious plays that started the season, the Rep did a production of The Foreigner tonight and I can honestly say that I didn't laugh once during the performance. Oh, I did smirk here and there, but I believe that the kind of humor seen in The Foreigner belongs on television and not the stage.

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