even less time

Moving my sister out of her place this morning after work made her leaving for the war that much more real to me. With less than two weeks left, her time with us is growing short.

Earlier this year we had moved my sister from one unit in her apartment complex to a different one. Essentially she had gone from a two-bedroom model with a roommate to a one-bedroom place by herself. The move had taken part of the day and that was it. From my perspective it was a natural progression. Now, however, her belongings were being boxed up for at least a year before they would be opened again and that did not seem natural to me. I think that it is fair to say that everything that she knew about her life will change.

I am hoping that I'll be able to see her at least two more times before she leaves. As of now we haven't been able to talk about her leaving. What this means is that I don't really know how she feels about what is happening to her, nor does she know how I feel and to me that needs to be resolved.

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