back on mars Despite the subzero cold this morning, there was a smile on my face when I walked out of work this morning. I had survived three days back at work without a single negative incident and that made me think that maybe this will be a better year for me than last year. Now I'm not saying that last year was one misery after another at my job, but days without stress aren't something that I despise. We got our first real snowfall of the season and now an arctic blast of cold is going to make sure that it stays here. I truly doubt that the five or so inches that fell will melt in a day or two with the temperature staying well below freezing. Winter has finally arrived and it still seems novel. Most people don't mind winter that much in January because they expect it to be that way, but when the snow is still lingering on the ground in April, people start to change their minds. ... On the comic book front, it has been heavily rumored that the man behind Buffy and Angel, Joss Whedon, will be the new writer on The New X-Men once Grant Morrison leaves and hearing that news doesn't excite me. Whedon did something interesting things here and there with Buffy, but I don't think that his kind of humor will transfer well to the merry band of mutants. Plus I'm not sure what he could do with the characters that would make me want to read it. Maybe Joss will surprise me, but as of now I am canceling my subscription to the book. Grant was fun, but I am ready to move on to something else. ... Since I liked the movie Confidence so much, I sat through two of the commentaries today. Hearing Ed, Rachel, Dustin and Andy talk about the film was fun. Hearing what they thought about it added more to what I had seen. In fact after listening to what they had to say, I wished that there were commentaries on every disc. |