rachel weisz confidence Before I went to sleep early this afternoon, I watched the movie Confidence that for me was the last of a Rachel Weisz trilogy of sorts. The other day I had rented three of her films with the first and second being Beautiful Creatures and Chain Reaction. Of the three, I'm not sure which I liked the most. Chain Reaction would definitely be third in the ranking, but the first and second spots are a little tougher to determine. Years ago I first became aware of Rachel in the movie Swept from the Sea, which was loosely based on a Joseph Conrad short story. I liked her enough that I made an effort to see her in anything else that she might make. It wasn't until I had seen a few more of her films that I realized that she was also in Stealing Beauty, which I had seen before Swept from the Sea. Her role in it was secondary to that of Liv Tyler, but she was there. ... Going back to work wasn't that traumatic for me, but I am looking forward to a quiet weekend at home. Two weeks ago it was the holidays and then last week I was out of town, so the thought of just staying home is sounding very appealing. |