another world view

Through the course of my day, I move from one world to another and most of that seems to get lost here.

For example, at work this morning, we were discussing the sh ip nat trans command on a Cisco router. Then less than an hour later I was listening to the ESL students read about blogging. An hour after that class ended there was another class where the students talked about their home countries. A few hours later I was listening to a lecture about the benefits of illustrations in ESL textbooks.

Each of these is unconnected to the other except for my brief presence in them.


My sister has been writing me from Iraq and I am amazed at how positive she sounds in her email messages. When I was her age, the biggest concern that I had was trying to find a professional job that paid well. I wasn't living in a foreign country where people might try to kill me.

I have no idea how her being there is really affecting her. We try to keep the tone of email messages light and talk about more everyday topics like what I did for the day instead of major political events. Then again what would be the point in talking about things that we can't control.

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