spirits are high

Since I've been back at work, I've only seen my boss for all of five minutes and the only verbal exchange that we have had was saying hello to each other. Actually that one hello was a group hello to everyone in the room as he walked through to go do something else. Personally I'd prefer it to be that way all of the time. The tension level in the department has been lowered and generally speaking the people in the group have a better time when he isn't there. Somehow we seem to be more productive without the condescending comments and or micromanagement.


The Marv Wolfman George Perez era Teen Titans are proving to be a quick read for me. Twenty years ago the book was one of the hottest titles around, but at that time I was a firm reader of Marvel and didn't stray much from that selection. A good friend of mine in high school read the book and let me read some of his collection, but it didn't stick with me at the time. I'm not sure why either. Wolfman creates the right amount of angst without being too wordy. Plus I prefer the look of Perez's pencils back then to what he is doing today. I'm not saying that he has gotten worse. I'm just saying that his line work from that era appeals to me more so than what he did on his recent Avengers run with Busiek.

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