talking heads meet I've been working at the same company for nearly six years and I often complain that nothing every really changes. From my perspective everything is scripted to the point of boredom if not frustration. Well, this morning there was something new at work and it was not something that I could have predicted. Without wanting it to happen, I got to speak with the man who is the next step up from my boss. The reason for said meeting is simple. My boss was out of town and that put this other person in charge of us so to speak and he wanted some answers. During the course of the night there was what we like to refer to as a major outage and naturally this led to some serious questions with the first starting with the word why. Actually I suspect that that answer will take some more investigation than just the one hour postmortem session that I attended before I left work this morning. Other questions were what could be done to prevent this from happening again and if it did what could be done to resolve the issue much faster. Maybe there will be answers to those latter questions, but they were working on them when I walked out the door to start my vacation. Now I imagine that some people would feel honored to be able to speak with someone in higher management, but that isn't me. I don't feel the need to pretend to be something else or have to play office politics. Nor do I see that as a means of advancement. I have no desire to seek the attention and or approval of people who see me as a number. |