before ten o'clock

A meeting with my boss this morning was painless and for that I am grateful. In my head I had created a dozen or so different scenarios of what might be said between us. None of them happened. He understood what I had did and just wanted a little more clarification on some minor points. I'd almost have to say that it was the best conversation that we ever had. It was also a nice way to start my weekend.


From talking with my parents I found out that my sister had a layover in Atlanta before her flight took off to Kuwait. Hearing that piece of news didn't surprise me. The military seems to have a hurry up and wait policy that most former military people will confirm is true.

Going back wasn't that emotional for her and I suspect that knowing what was waiting for her made it easier. My sister has friends at the base and she also knows that she is halfway through her tour. She probably sees it as a countdown of sorts now.


Coming off of a three day stay in the north woods and a two day wedding event, I must confess that I haven't been able to write that clearly. My focus is off and I hope that that goes away soon. There are things that I want to say and not have them come out muddled.

Life has been going well for me lately and I think that I am making progress again. It may be slow, but I am making changes here and there in my life.

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