throwing things away

One my primary goals for today and tomorrow was to finally do something with the boxes that have been sitting in my kitchen for weeks. The boxes were given to me by my parents when they moved into their place and I was obliged to take them since they were filled with stuff that belonged to me. Seeing the boxes day after day has been annoying but not enough of an incentive to do something about them. Somehow walking around them became easier than having to open them up and sort what needs to be kept and what should be thrown away. Today I finally drove into the pile and made a small dent.

Now even before I started I knew that I wouldn't finish the process in one go and I didn't. Something in a box will trigger a memory and I get bogged down in sentiment. Suddenly something that has been hidden from me for months if not longer takes on new importance and can't be discarded. Then I find myself in a mental tug of war. Should I keep it or just throw it away? Why am I keeping it? Do I have room to keep it? Should I just put it in my garage and make a decision about it later?

Despite these delays, I did manage to take two loads out to the recycling bin and another bag went into the garbage. Three boxes are still waiting for me to sort, but I can't guarantee that that will happen tomorrow.


Leaving the world of non fiction behind, I started reading Margaret Atwood's novel Oryx and Crake. Fifty pages into the book, I have a vague idea of what is happening and can't really say if I like it or not. All that I know is that genetic manipulation has been done on animals to provide organs for humans. Everything else is still hazy to me.

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