magic and kryptonite Early this morning I finished reading Oryx and Crake and I can see how people could be disappointed with the ending. One might even argue the point that it isn't an ending at all, because we the reader have no idea if the narrator dies. Nor do we know if he talks with the other surviving humans whose camp he has spotted. I completely agree that the author ends the book with more questions than anything else, but I'm not sure if that takes away from the book or not. For me, the almost continual rambling of the narrator and overall commentary on the moral haze surrounding genetic manipulation was fascinating enough to keep me reading to the end. ... Smallville continues to have a few shining moments here and there. For example, I never would have guessed that they would try to incorporate Mr. Mxyzptlk as a character into the show. An imp from the fifth dimension who looks like a fifty something year old man who wears a bowler hat and a jumpsuit is not something that everyday America wants to see on television. So instead of the comic book image, we the viewer get a young foreign exchange student whose last name is Mxyzptlk and has the ability to change a person's luck. |