november thursday morning

It's nine thirty in the morning and I haven't showered yet, but I have done a load of laundry and made a huge batch of spaghetti. Somehow I like to think that those two things have a way of balancing out my lack of grooming at this time of the day.

While I was still prone, I read some Michael Moorcock comic books illustrated by one of my personal favorites Walter Simonson. The two of them compliment one another so well and I wish that I had more than just ten issues.

Rebecca Gates sings as I look out the window at the rain soaked street. I think that the sun is supposed to come out later, but I could be wrong. It is so tempting to just crawl into bed and do nothing today, but I'll wait until afternoon before I give in to that desire. Plus I want to see if I get anything in the mail, before I escape into the world of dreams. Two shipments of comic books are coming my way and either package would make for some great reading on this dreary day.

I had forgotten how much I love the sound of Rebecca's voice. Discovering forgotten music that I own is always fun and makes not having bought Lucia Micarelli's debut Tuesday night that much easier to bear. I so wanted to have some new music, but didn't give into impulse shopping despite the fact that an attractive salesgirl made sure that I was handed a copy when I asked about the album.

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