not batman junior Before I left work this morning, I spent some time on the elliptical trainer and did some upper body exercise as well. The last time that I had done any kind of exercise was on Sunday so it felt good to be doing something active. July was not a very good exercise month for me and I want that trend to change. Hopefully in the final two weeks of the month I will be able to pick up the pace a little. ... I have always thought that Dick Grayson was far more interesting as a character than Bruce Wayne and the latest issue of Nightwing from DC proves my point. Having spent so many years at the side of an obsessive compulsive, I am surprised that Dick is so down to earth and rational. One would think that he would have been more off balance, but I guess that the powers that be at DC gave that aspect to Jason Todd instead. Bruce Jones may not have been able to keep my interest going when he had his run on the Hulk a while ago, but the latest issue of his on Nightwing certainly caught my attention. Now to be honest I have no real idea what has been happening in the book for the past six months, but it was fun to see Dick and Jason interacting if only for a few panels. Maybe my interest was more peaked by the art done by Paco Diaz and the character of Cheyenne Fremont than anything else. The Vertigo title Fables is often one of the last books to be read from my monthly shipment from Mile High Comics, but that shouldn't reflect poorly on my opinion of the book. Bill Willingham has yet to disappoint me with his writing and this latest installment struck me as one his best efforts to date. Personally I think that the book works best when there is just one narrator and less interaction between all of the inhabitants of Fabletown. This time around Cinderella was the lead character and I love her personality. Quite simply she is one woman who has little to no tolerance for fools. |