relax one moment After a night at work where I violently fumed for the first hour or so over what we in the department jokingly call a "nasty gram" sent by our team leader, I walked out the door into a wonderful June day a free man. There were two events on my calendar for the day and then I could finally relax. The first thing that I needed to do was let my real estate agent take some photos of my place for the listing. That was painless enough and I am curious to see what they look like online. Part of me is a little bothered by having my personal sanctuary on display to the public, but I know that that is what needs to be done so that I can move into a new place. The second task of the day was having my father replace the faucet on my bathroom sink. Ever since I moved here, the flow from the tap has been less than uniform. Oh, there is pressure, but due to years worth of hard water filled with lime and calcium, the stream is not pretty to see. I've tried to dissolve the buildup using various household products, but nothing seems to work for any length of time. Plus the hard water stains on the faucet itself can never be removed. Now both of those things are just a memory. The water flow is pure and strong from a gleaming tap. I couldn't be happier with my new and greatly improved bathroom sink. ... Another highlight of my day was being able to sit outside for a while and read some more of Paul Theroux's book The Pillars of Hercules. Having left Bosnia behind he has just entered Albania via a ferry from Italy. Just like him, I know next to nothing about that country. Unlike him I am not sure that a lack of knowledge of said place would be incentive enough to go there. So far the overall poverty of the place is all that he has mentioned about the country. ... Before I succumbed to sleep, I was able to read the first two issues of the new DC series Countdown as Hilary Hahn played Bach in the background. Since I find Mary Batson to be more interesting than Ralph Dibny, I have to say that I am liking it more than I did 52. |