more june heat Early this morning, I got to watch the Doctor Who episode Blink and I have to say that it is my favorite so far of this season. I liked Sally Sparrow, I liked the way that she reacted to The Doctor and I liked the idea of an alien race that resembled stone angels in appearance. Plus the whole time paradox element made the episode rise to the top. ... Solty Rei is the latest anime series that has captured my attention. The idea of a grim bounty hunter adopting a robot girl appealed to me and I have yet to be disappointed by an episode. The most recent disc that I watched included the following episodes (15-18): "Safe Haven," "Half Kidding," "Lady" and "Welcome Home." There are twenty four episodes plus an additional two that constitute a movie so I am nearing the end. Sadly this will be the last that I see of the series until July when they release the next disc. I have no doubt that I will be able to watch other series until that time, but it does feel odd to stop in mid flow of something that I am enjoying. ... Marvel Comics has never been above trying to cash in on current pop culture trends so in the 1970's they were more than happy to create characters that had some kind of martial arts connection to them. One of these characters was Danny Rand aka Iron Fist who has held a soft spot in my heart ever since I first saw him on the printed page in a issue of Daredevil. He is a very down to earth person with an extraordinary ability and a great foil for his friend and sometime business partner Luke Cage. Now Joe Casey has brought Danny back in a new title from Marvel and I could not be happier with the story. ... According to my iTunes recently played list, I managed to hear fifty five songs today and I see that as a good thing. |