The Garage is Mine
I live in the upstairs of a nice duplex. The downstairs used to be occupied by the owners, who were a very friendly couple. They, however, wanted to move and decided to sell the house. I would have bought the house, but was unable to afford it. So here I am by myself, because they moved out last week. The new owners have yet to get in contact with me and I do not know their last name, nor their phone number so I can't contact them. The old owners neglected to give me their new number as well.
This leads me to my next point. There is a two car garage with this house that I was not able to use when the old owners still lived here. They had three cars and always left at least one car in the garage. I got to use half of the driveway. Now that they are gone, I am using it. No one is around to tell me no. I have a whole two car garage to myself and am thoroughly enjoying it. This will be great in winter, if I can still use it then. My lease expires in November, so time will tell. Now if they could only forget to ask for rent next month.
I do not want to move. I like this place. It is spacious and is located in a nice neighborhood. Actually this is the best place that I have ever lived.
Tomorrow is Friday and I don't have any real plans for the weekend. Weekends are a new concept for me. Working first shift is still new to me. As of August I was still working third shift. I had worked either second or third shift for over a year. Now most people seem to hate second and third shift. I loved third shift. It was so peaceful and I never saw my boss. I was the captain of my ship so to speak. The reason I moved to first was a recent promotion. So I guess I can see my boss for more money.
When I worked third shift, I worked a twelve hour shift for three days in a row and then had four days off. The next week I worked four twelve hour days in a row and had three days off. So I was guaranteed three and four day weekends all summer long. It was great. I miss those long weekends.
Mondays meant nothing to me since I worked Wednesday through Friday and every other Saturday. This also meant that I did not have a traditional social life. It was a give and take kind of situation. The weekend was not Friday and Saturday night on the town for me, but I adjusted just fine. I would chuckle as everyone else would scramble back to work on Monday morning while I slept.
Now I am just like everyone else, I work Monday through Friday.
Nothing else to talk about except that I am feeling much better. The cold is gone and there are only three months until Christmas.