Meetings Move Money

I have a lot that I want to talk about today.

Meetings have become a daily part of my life due to my recent promotion at work. Each and every day starts with a meeting. Monday is a meeting at 8:15. Tuesday is a meeting at 8:00 immediately followed by another meeting. Wednesday is the 8:15 meeting followed by a different meeting than the one held after the Tuesday 8:00 meeting. What are all of these meeting for you ask? Well, we talk about all of the problems that our company had the previous day in moving money for other people. We also talk about whose money we will be moving in the future. That is what we do. We move money and talk about how we can better move money. What a great society. Yeah, whatever.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I do like my job it is just that it seems strange at times. The only thing that keeps us in business is the impatient nature of the American consumer. Joe Citizen wants his money now. He does not have time to go to the bank and stand in line. The automatic banking machine is his friend.

Our society keeps accelerating its pace. Faster is better. I guess that I have a love hate relationship with American culture.

My job is so unlike me. I try to be as laid back as possible. I care about my job, but I always know that my work life and my home life do not cross. Stress is a major part of the American business world not my private life. When I walk out the door, it is my time. I have heard murmurs of a pager being assigned to me. I will believe it when I see it.

If you would have asked me five years ago where I would be now, there would have been no way I could have ever guessed that this would be my destination. Five years ago, I was spending hours on end in a painting studio. I was exploring the magical world of oil painting and seeing what images I could conjure from my mind onto the canvas. Today I move money instead of a paintbrush.

The art student becomes a pseudo banker.

"From morn to noon he fell, from noon to dewy eve, a summer's day; and with the setting sun dropt from the zenith like a falling star." Paradise Lost

The Sundays have a new album out. I bought it today without having heard any of it. I have that much faith in Harriet Wheeler. I love the sound of her voice. Her rendition of the Rolling Stones song Wild Horses overwhelms me. This is only their third album. Before I can make any comments on the album, I have to listen to it some more.

Sometimes words fail me. So much happens to me during the day and I can never seem to capture it all on paper. There are minor details that fade away and are forgotten. My mind wanders everywhere. I am always watching and wondering about why things happen the way that they do. This just seems to be the way I am. Not that I am complaining.



