Still Can't Breathe

Ugh. I can not breathe. I am a mouth breather now because of my cold. Since I am forced to breathe through my mouth my lips are getting chapped. Plus I can not hear with my left ear. I make for some great company.

I learned something new at work today. Actually I learn something new every week at work, which is why I stay there. This is probably the first job where I learn something on a regular basis. My greatest disappointment upon entering the real world after college was how so mundane the work world can be. Day after day people endure the same routine. Then they run off to the bar to complain and make themselves feel better with alcohol. True I had seen this in my summer jobs, but a three month stint is tolerable. Year after year in the same job is pathetic. I need change. I need to learn something new.

People like to think that college is easy and nothing but partying. Well if you do go to class you can learn something and be challenged. Plus every semester is different. So much of the business world to me is posturing and politics.

Hmm, I think that I did enough preaching for today. When I am feeling better, I am sure that the whining will stop or at the very least be less frequent. I want to be able to breathe and hear again.



