The Cold Lingers
I continue my struggle to regain my health. As I said I do not get sick often, so when I do it is a battle between me and my body. I wonder what I did to deserve this inconvenience. I guess that I should be grateful that I am a healthy person most of the time. The rest of my family gets sick all of the time. Tis the season to get ill.
By no means am I an exercise nut, but I do my best. Nor am I overweight either. I have weighed the same for years. One hundred forty five pounds on my five foot seven inch frame suits me just fine. I can run without huffing and puffing and I even invested in a small exercise machine that I grace every so often. True I am not in the same shape that I was when I was in tae kwon do. Nothing like having someone shout at you in Korean to motivate you.
There was a nasty period of my life a few years ago when I developed allergies. I would have sneezing fits. When I say sneezing fits, I mean sneezing at least twenty times in a row. This always brought delight to the rest of my family. Here I was sneezing with no end in sight and they laughed. Sneezing that long takes a lot of energy out of a person. However, my immune system seems to have changed all of that once more. I no longer have these sneezing fits.