A Comedy of Sorts

Since I have been sick most of the weekend, I have been renting movies. Yesterday was Breaking the Waves, today's selection was Muriel's Wedding.

It is described as a comdey and it is to some degree. Muriel has what they like to call low self esteem. In her mind she is a failure and her getting married will solve all of her problems. She is not considered attractive by certain standards and has very few friends. The running theme in her life is ABBA songs, which adds to the comedy element. I really felt for her. I am one of those people who gets involved with whatever they are watching. The strongest part of the film for me was where Muriel finally took control of her life and appreciated herself. In my life I have met so many women like Muriel. Actually she reminded me of my last girlfriend.

My last girlfriend was unable to solve any of her problems and they soon became my problems. These problems included not paying bills and lying. This did not make for a happy relationship. She wanted to have fun all of the time. Fun was her main concern. Fun consisted of drinking and hanging out in bars. Now there was a time that drinking was a social activity for me as well, but I have moved beyond that stage in my life. I want more. Maybe some day I will talk some more about her, but not today. She is in the past and there she will remain.

My head feels almost normal today. No more blowing my nose every five minutes.

Now that I am feeling better, food has become desirable again. So I made myself a nice cod dinner with some rice a roni on the side. Culinary skills are not my strong point, but I can keep myself alive. Very seldom do I eat out. One reason is that it is too expensive to do on a regular basis. Plus fast food has a nasty side effect on my system.

I will probably go to sleep early tonight.

Naturally after I lie down for a while, I start to feel better.

My life seems to run in cycles. I am listening to classical music again. All summer long I did nothing but buy new rock cds. I think that I turned on the classical station maybe two times all summer. Now that the days are getting shorter and colder, I am finding myself on the couch more and more with a book and the classical radio station on. I like autumn. Autumn for me is sweaters and windy days that make me feel alive. The heat of summer is so draining and oppressive.





