
Waking up this morning was hard. I was tired last night at eight o'clock, but there was no way that I was going to go to bed. So I slowly woke up again and didn't go to sleep until about one in the morning.

I ate lunch outside today at work. Despite the wind, it was a beautiful day. We don't have any real designated area outside to eat so I just sit on the sidewalk and watch the clouds go by. They were really moving today. I'll have to watch the local weather when I get home after work to see what the wind gusts were for this afternoon. Clouds have always amazed me. I know that they are just water vapor, but watching them move has always been a fun thing to do. They grow and shrink. They twist and turn. There are wispy clouds and then there are the more solid cumulus clouds with their dark bottoms. I feel like part of the Peanuts gang just lying on the ground watching the clouds.

I wonder if there will be a message from my new landlords when I get home. Tomorrow is the last day of September. Everyone that I have spoken with about the situation has said to wait until they get in contact with me. I can hold on to my money for a few days more. I could even hold on to my money for the whole month. They don't seem to be very concerned about their new property, which may be a bad sign of things to come.

These people will be the fifth landlords that I have had in my renting history. My first landlord was when I was in college, I shared a house with six other guys. We each had an individual lease. Each of us had his own room. All in all it was my version of the real world without the cameras from MTV.

I like living alone now. Last year at this time I had moved out from my old girlfriend. She had exhausted my savings and I decided that she would ruin my life if I continued to stay with her. I made the right decision. My life has gotten better ever since. I have a better job than I did then and I live in a better house. Other highlights include a new car, a computer and a trip to Hawaii.

I am writing this entry at work. Today has gone so smoothly that I have some free time. I have a mere three hours to go and then I can leave.

On a health note, my left ear is slowly opening up. This means that I can hear again. I amazed at how much better I feel than I did last week. I am almost feeling silly today. Tomorrow is also pay day which might have something to do with my mood.

Its approaching three in the afternoon and I am getting sleepy. I want to take a nap. Someone told me that they already do that in some Japanese companies. This is the least productive part of the day for me. Up until September, I was sleeping at this time. I would usually wake up at three in the afternoon and go out get the mail. That is one drawback of where I live. The mail never arrives earlier than two in the afternoon. Most of the time it arrives at three in the afternoon.

I wish that I was outside watching the clouds roll by again. All that I need is a nice field to lie down in and fall asleep. If I was still on third shift, I could read a book for a while. Now I have to look busy all of the time, because there are other people around.

Monday seems to be junk mail day where I live. I get the weekly batch of coupons that I sometimes clip and seldom seem to use. I try to shop for food only twice a month, but sometimes things turn out differently.

I am listening to the woman in the next cubicle talk to her daughter. The girl must be home from school and has to call mom when she gets home. The woman is telling her daughter that she is not allowed to watch television until she gets home. I have a feeling that this girl must be fairly young. When I was nine all that I did after school was go to my friends house and watch cartoons for hours. Batman, the campy Adam West version, and Spiderman were part of the daily line up. I was in love with the Julie Newmar Catwoman. Two solid hours of television and then I walked home to eat supper. I did call home to ask my parents how long I could stay at my friends house though.

Ugh, I want to go home now. I have a meeting in forty five minutes though. I wonder how many other people in America waste time at their job. Whistle while you work.

This is my longest entry to date. There are times when I get on a roll and the words just seem to flow. Today must be one of those days. Conjunction, junction, what's your function? Joining up clauses and phrases.

I need to get up and take a little walk. I have been doing data entry for the past three hours and my mind is starting to shutdown.

I would really like to go outside and get some fresh air. It looks as though it is going to rain. I'm glad that I cut the lawn yesterday afternoon. Now I can't cut the lawn until the new owners supply a lawnmower. I have no idea if that will still be part of my lease come November.

I am trying to think of what I could have for dinner tonight. I have some hot dogs. I guess that will have to do until I go grocery shopping.

Less than ninety minutes to go.

Maybe I need to pace myself. I was really productive this morning. I got a lot accomplished in a short amount of time. The latest issue of Wired is looking very tempting at this moment.

I am home now and think that I have said enough for the day. I wonder if this completely bored anyone. This is as close as I get to stream of consciousness in terms of writing. Today was a real contrast to the previous entries. I think that I should strive for a happy medium between the two styles. Maybe a little more Hemingway and a little less Woolf. I have a feeling that tomorrow I will write less than today.

No message from the landlords and it is raining now. It is good.





